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What’s the smart buy for a smartphone this summer? The choices are better than ever.


As smartphone shipment growth ebbs, sales of large models— the so-called phablets— are expected to be brisk, seeing double-digit growth over the next several years, according to market researcher IDC. Not surprisingly, topping our list is a large smartphone. Here’s a brief roundup of the hottest smartphones to consider this summer.




1. Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge: Best premier smartphone

1.最佳首發手機:三星Galaxy S7 Edge

This is the high-end smartphone to beat this summer. If it was strictly a design race between Samsung and Apple, Samsung would be the easy winner. The South Korean giant’s Super AMOLED (active-matrix organic light-emitting diode) 5.5-inch display has curves on two sides, resulting in a stunning design. It has a practical side too: the wrap-around display delivers added real estate for 「edge」 apps. The S7 Edge also has one of the best cameras going and the best battery life yet for a high-end Galaxy model. A blow-by-blow comparison with iPhone 6s Plus yields a bunch of upsides, including 4GB of RAM (vs 2GB on the iPhone), a sharper 「QHD」 display, wireless charging, and a microSD slot for upgrading the standard 32GB storage with, for instance, a 128GB microSD card that can also be configured with dual SIM cards. The only downsides are fingerprint smears and Samsung’s user interface – but the latter is vastly improved over previous versions. Retail pricing typically starts at between 750 dollars and 790 dollars at major carriers.





S7 Edge配備了最好的攝像鏡頭之一,電池壽命在高端Galaxy系列中也是最長的。

如果把iPhone6s和G7 Edge放在一起進行詳細比較,後者的優點非常突出:G7 Edge的隨機存取存儲器容量達到4GB(而6s的這一數據為2GB);螢幕的解析度達到960×450(16:9);具備無線充電功能;手機內存為32GB,可插入128GB的SD卡進行拓展。



The 5.5-inch iPhone 6s Plus is a close runner-up for the best premier smartphone. It has Apple’s very-high-quality build, a great camera, good performance, and, most importantly, the iOS operating system with all of those apps. It starts at 749 dollars.

5.5英寸螢幕的iPhone6s是可與S7 Edge相媲美的首發手機。



2. iPhone 6s: Best mainstream phone

2.最佳主流手機:iPhone 6s

Apple still has a lock on the mid-range, mainstream smartphone. The 4.7-inch iPhone 6s has a stiffer chassis than the iPhone 6, excellent front and rear cameras, a novel 「3D Touch」 pressure-sensitive display for previewing messages, photos, and related links, and the new A9 processor makes everything very snappy. But let’s face the facts: While Apple makes great, high-quality hardware, many consumers choose iPhones primarily because they know they』re buying into probably the greatest selection of apps in the world. It starts at 649 dollars.





3. Nexus 6P: Best pure Android phone

3.最佳原生安卓手機:Nexus 6P

The Nexus brand has a following that, while a lot smaller, is not that unlike the iPhone’s following. That’s because Nexus phones maintain high standards, are designed in conjunction with Google, and made by world-class phone suppliers. Huawei— the third-largest global smartphone manufacturer behind Samsung and Apple according to IDC— now makes the best Nexus phone. What the Nexus 6P does really well is deliver high-end specifications at a relatively low price. Those specs include an excellent (and extra-large) 5.7-inch very-high-resolution AMOLED display, a good 12-megapixel camera, 3GB of RAM, and a Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 processor. The only notable downsides are a sometimes less-than-snappy camera experience and unneeded bulk in the chassis. But the best part is the cost, with a manufacturer’s suggested retail price of 499 dollars. But the 6P can often be found for under 450 dollars at retailers and even under 400 dollars at some stores.








4. LG G5: Best modular phone

4.最佳模塊化智慧型手機:LG G5

Though overshadowed by Samsung, the smaller South Korean phone supplier has come up with a pretty radical smartphone. The killer feature for the 5.3-inch phone is modularity. By pressing a button, the bottom of the phone slides out, which allows you to not only swap in a fresh battery but add upgrade modules too. And the camera is different too. The LG G5 has both 8- and 16-megapixel sensors on the back, located on either side of the LED flash. The secondary 8MP sensor allows wide-angle shots. At retail, it ranges between 575 dollars and 625 dollars.




LG G5的攝像頭也與眾不同,在手機背面有兩個分列於LED閃光燈兩側的傳感器,兩個傳感器的像素分別達到800萬和1600萬,800萬像素的傳感器賦予了手機廣角拍攝的功能。


5. iPhone SE: Best small phone

5.最佳小型智慧型手機:iPhone SE

The 4-inch SE is the best deal Apple has ever offered on a new iPhone: It’s not only the cheapest iPhone, but has cutting-edge internals. This is a more advanced phone internally than the iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus, and is on par with the iPhone 6s/6s Plus. And it has the same great rear-facing 12-megapixel camera of the 6s, with better battery life than both the 6 and 6s. The iPhone SE also excels at one-handed operation. It’s a cinch to do all sorts of things: thumb-scrolling, photo-taking, typing. The SE is also more pocketable than, let’s say, the large 5.5-inch 6s Plus. The icing on the cake is the price: it starts at 399 dollars for a 16GB version and 499 dollars for 64GB.



其內在配置令iPhone6和iPhone6 Plus相形見絀,與iPhone6s和iPhone6s Plus可謂旗鼓相當,1200萬像素後置攝像頭的配置與iPhone6s相同,電池壽命卻優於iPhone6和6s。

iPhone SE的單手操作體驗同樣非常流暢,使用者能夠非常輕鬆地用大拇指瀏覽網頁,拍照,打字。

相比5.5英寸的iPhone6s Plus,iPhone SE攜帶起來更加方便,價格更是該機型的加分項:16GB版本的售價僅為399美元,64GB版本的售價也僅需499美元。







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