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Sorry in Chinese - 3 Magic Words to apologize - Ninchanese2014年7月8日 · When in China, it's important to know how to say sorry in Chinese. ... 抱歉” is typically a word you'll use to apologize for things you've done and ...Facts Tell: There's no need for China to apologize about COVID-19 ...2020年3月6日 · Fox News host Jesse Watters asked China to apologize for the coronavirus, ... Subscribe to us ...時間長度: 4:49 發布時間: 2020年3月6日Unit 2: Direct Apology Strategies in Chinese - Kansas State UniversitySimilarly, the direct apology strategies in Chinese are also sort of formulaic, primarily including apologetic formulas as 对不起duìbùqǐ, 不好意思bùhǎoyìsi, 抱歉 ...How to Apologize - Communication Skills Training From MindTools ...Learn why apologies matter, why they're difficult, the consequences of NOT apologizing, and how to apologize with grace and sincerity.How (Not) To Apologise On Twitter - audiense resources2014年4月30日 · We've compiled a list of some of our favorite dos and don'ts of Twitter apologies! How (not) to say sorry on Twitter: 11 lessons for brands, celebs ...The Organizational Apology - Harvard Business ReviewAt some point, every company makes a mistake that requires an apology—to an ... But remember, thanks to Twitter, Instagram, Yelp, Facebook, and other social ...Travel - The island that never stops apologising - BBC2018年11月1日 · Welcome to the linguistic minefield of apologising in Taiwan, where simply saying 'buhaoyisi' can open a Pandora's Box of profuse politeness.常用的35句英文道歉語@ 「常用英文」你才不會忘記Blog- :: 痞客邦::出國必備旅遊英文APP https://goo.gl/mqq6YP. 1. Excuse me. ... 抱歉,我的速度比較慢,因為我的英語很差。

26. Sorry. I sent wrong message to you. Let's forgive  ...
