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Lat/Lng Object Literal | Maps JavaScript API | Google DevelopersThis example demonstrates using a LatLng object literal instead of a google.maps.LatLng object, to center the map and add a marker. LatLng object literals ...Lat/Lng Object Literal | Maps JavaScript API | Google DevelopersLatLng object literals are a convenient way to add a LatLng coordinate and, in most cases, can be used in place of a google.maps.LatLng object. Read the ...Brooklyn Nine-Nine no Twitter: "Chills. Literal chills. #Brooklyn99 ...2019年1月4日 · Chills. Literal chills. #Brooklyn99 makes the move to. @nbc. Thursday, January 10 at 9/8c. Vídeo encaixado. 0:30. 40.510 visualizacións.Brooklyn Nine-Nine no Twitter: "GOALS. Literal goals. #Brooklyn99 ...I mean Amy did kinda propose to Jake in a dumpster once.gung hay fat choy literal translation - 禮物貼文懶人包 tw。

Lunar New Year | National Geographic Society。

Gung hay fat choy is how Cantonese speakers wish you a happy new year—literally .In China, Pollution Fears Are Both Literal And Metaphorical - NPR2017年1月18日 · Wasserstrom recently edited The Oxford Illustrated History of Modern China. Follow them on Twitter @jwassers and - Apps on Google Play評分 3.5 (321) · 免費 · AndroidIn this multiplayer car craft game, you collect wheels and craft a car. Hurry up and craft your car before your friends! Go, Go, Go!A Syntactic Study of Idioms: Psychological States in English and ...Figu 3) Literal Firs ow and Bell ( othesis (cf. Gl d Schweigert 989). ... onnly after its rej d Bell (1973 a figurative o ection is the i 3) propose tw one.Answer Set Programming for Continuous Domains: A Fuzzy Logic Approach... c: 0 ← TW(white(b),white(a)) To see that the above reduction generalizes ... The GL transformation then essentially replaces such literals with their ...圖片全部顯示
