What is another word for values? - Synonyms - WordHippo
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What is another word for values? ; excellencies · integrity ; norms · value ; ethe · virtue ; ethicality · righteousness ; fairness · rightfulness. What'sanotherwordfor What'stheoppositeof Meaningoftheword Wordsthatrhymewith Sentenceswiththeword Translate FromEnglish ToEnglish to Afrikaans Albanian Amharic Arabic Armenian Azerbaijani Basque Belarusian Bengali Bosnian Bulgarian Catalan Cebuano Chichewa Chinese Corsican Croatian Czech Danish Dutch Esperanto Estonian Farsi Filipino Finnish French Frisian Galician Georgian German Greek Gujarati HaitianCreole Hausa Hebrew Hindi Hmong Hungarian Icelandic Igbo Indonesian Irish Italian Japanese Javanese Kannada Kazakh Khmer Korean Kurdish Kyrgyz Lao Latin Latvian Lithuanian Luxembourgish Macedonian Malagasy Malay Malayalam Maltese Maori Marathi Mongolian Burmese Nepali Norwegian Polish Portuguese Punjabi Romanian Russian Samoan ScotsGaelic Serbian Sesotho Shona Sinhala Slovak Slovenian Somali Spanish Sundanese Swahili Swedish Tajik Tamil Telugu Thai Turkish Ukrainian Urdu Uzbek Vietnamese Welsh Xhosa Yiddish Yoruba Zulu FindWords AllWords 2-LetterWords 3-LetterWords 4-LetterWords 5-LetterWords 6-LetterWords 7-LetterWords 8-LetterWords 9-LetterWords 10-LetterWords 11-LetterWords 12-LetterWords 13-LetterWords 14-LetterWords WordsWithFriends Scrabble Crossword/Codeword StartingWith EndingWith ContainingExactly ContainingtheLetters Use*forblanktiles(max2) Use*forblankspaces AdvancedWordFinder Findthe Plural Singular PastTense PresentTense Verb Adjective Adverb Noun of Pronouncetheword in Afrikaans Albanian Arabic Bengali Chinese Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English Finnish French German Greek Hindi Hungarian Icelandic Indonesian Italian Japanese Korean Latin Malay Malayalam Marathi Nepali Norwegian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Serbian Slovak Spanish Swahili Swedish Tamil Telugu Thai Turkish Ukrainian Uzbek Vietnamese Welsh FindNames Meaningofthename Originofthename Namesmeaning Namesstartingwith Namesoforigin Synonyms Antonyms Definitions Rhymes Sentences Translations FindWords WordForms Pronunciations ☀ Appearance ✓Usedevicetheme ✓Darktheme ✓Lighttheme Whatisanotherwordforvalues? Needsynonymsforvalues?Here'salistofsimilarwordsfromourthesaurusthatyoucanuseinstead. Contexts▼▲ Noun Principlesorstandardsofbehavior (sometimespluralized)Thequalityofbeinguprightorrighteous Theideas,customs,andsocialbehaviorofaparticularpeopleorsociety Thecharacterorfundamentalvaluesofaperson,people,culture,ormovement Theessentialorcharacteristiccustomsandconventionsofasocietyorcommunity Atheoryorattitudethatactsasaguidingprincipleforbehavior Pluralforthematerialormonetaryworthofsomething Pluralforthebenefit,importanceor(useful)effectofsomething Verb Toestimatethemonetaryworthof Toconsidertobecrucialorbeneficial …more▼ ▲ Noun ▲ Principlesorstandardsofbehavior principles virtues tenets moralprinciples ethics standards morals ideals attitude beliefs character code mores credo morality moralcode moralvalues codeofbehaviorUS codeofbehaviourUK codeofconduct moralbeliefs moralphilosophy ethicalcodes moralstandards ethicalvalues rulesofconduct standardsofbehavior codeofethics morallaw cardinalvirtues value-system ideology creed canon ideas philosophy doctrine dogma rules conventions convictions axioms canons maxims view guidelines conviction position opinions ethicalness goodmorals moralcodes moralphilosophies codesofconduct codes graces distinctions excellences excellencies integrity norms value ethe virtue ethicality righteousness fairness rightfulness rightness distinction excellence grace exemplars beauxideals codesofhonour fundamentals paradigms scruples requirements ethic ethos belief conscience standard conduct honourUK decency honorUS ideal convention criteria practice goodness honesty conventionalities imperative nature tikanga rightsandwrongs dictatesofconscience standardsofbehaviour naturallaw moralstand more❯ “Thisbookresultedfromhisbeliefthattoday'senvironmentalismhasgoneastrayfromitsoriginalrootsandethicalvalues.” Noun ▲ (sometimespluralized)Thequalityofbeinguprightorrighteous principle morals ethics morality standards ideals integrity virtue conscience honorUS honourUK probity rectitude beliefs credo decency scruples uprightness righteousness norms high-mindedness moralstandards moralvalues codeofethics morallaw senseofduty senseofhonour kaupapa principles creed senseofrightandwrong moralconcern qualms compunction innervoice shame smallvoice moralsense voicewithin demur senseofright stillsmallvoice superego squeam censor duty rightandwrong ethos standard ethic belief moralcode ideal mores conduct convention criteria practice goodness honesty conventionalities imperative value nature naturallaw propriety ethicality ethicalness rightness rightfulness innerguide codeofhonor categoricalimperative credos rudiments elements basics moral conviction ideology persuasion goldenrules moralvalue moralcompass ABCs ruleofliving codeofbehaviourUK codeofhonour codeofbehaviorUS senseofpropriety senseofjudgment virtues tikanga moralprinciples moralphilosophy moralbeliefs rulesofconduct moralstand rightsandwrongs standardsofbehaviour dictatesofconscience more❯ Noun ▲ Theideas,customs,andsocialbehaviorofaparticularpeopleorsociety culture lifestyle customs traditions habit background civilisationUK civilizationUS habits heritage mores society ways life convention development ethnicity ethnology folklore folkways grounding humanism ideas knowledge artsandsciences thearts wayoflife principles beliefs philosophy ethos tradition doctrine wayofliving community theworld socialorder thesocialorder world humanactivity mankind humankind humanity condition situation position regime conduct behaviourUK state routine behaviorUS existence fate lot station circumstances being circumstance essence mannerofliving activities personage living business stateofplay dailylife styleofliving wayofacting modeofliving everydaylife standardofliving setofcircumstances race nation origin ancestry ethnicgroup population people identity lineage tribe extraction pedigree history clan nationality past descent parentage colorUS colourUK culturalgroup heredity roots racialtype strain ethnicorigin ethnicbackground country rubric prescription rule custom confederation ethnos naturalisationUK allegiance affiliation enfranchisement naturalizationUS ethnicminority bodypolitic record politicalhome nativeland education story autobiography struggle reality previouscircumstances pasthistory sith experience lore group populace citizenry kind kin progeny environment type region land realm empire more❯ Noun ▲ Thecharacterorfundamentalvaluesofaperson,people,culture,ormovement ethos character morality ethics ethic standards principles temper morals feeling norms mood attitude disposition tenor code tenet philosophy essence spirit beliefs flavorUS flavourUK mindset quintessence habits mind rationale attitudes culture ideology mentality psyche psychology traits moralcode moralbelief prevailingtendency dominatingcharacteristic animatingprinciple motivatingforce principle idea virtue integrity moral fairness ethicality rightfulness righteousness rightness ethicalness moralprinciple moralphilosophy value-system ethicalcode ethicalvalues setofvalues standard moralvalue moralstandard codeofconduct codeofbehaviourUK ethicalvalue ruleofconduct standardofbehavior distinction excellence mores cardinalvirtue excellency codeofbehaviorUS grace value more❯ Noun ▲ Theessentialorcharacteristiccustomsandconventionsofasocietyorcommunity mores customs practisesUK practicesUS traditions ways conventions form habits manner proprieties praxis procedures tikanga usages attitude behaviourUK behaviorUS codes ethics etiquette formalities manners morals patterns policies principles protocol rites rituals routines rules scruples standards customandpractice establishedways socialconduct traditionalcustoms wayofdoingthings wayoflife Noun ▲ Atheoryorattitudethatactsasaguidingprincipleforbehavior philosophy ideology doctrine wisdom belief principle value conviction credo knowledge outlook reasoning teaching thinking understanding creed custom dogma scholarship science tenet viewpoint argument attitude axiom culture ethic faith idea logic rationale rationality sense system theory thought tradition view argumentation gospel line lore notion saying truth conception idealogy legend superstition testament dialectics aestheticsUK estheticsUS folklore legendry myth mythology beliefs ethics ideas notions principles sayings teachings truths attitudetolife schoolofthought worldview basicidea formalsystem wayoflife chainofthought folk-wisdom logicalthought Weltanschauung oraltradition traditionalwisdom lineofreasoning chainofreasoning how-to know-how processofreasoning opinion position canon thesis tenets sentiment stance rules persuasion judgementUK judgmentUS interpretation convictions mindset code pointofview perspective ideals concept canons standpoint wayofthinking supposition opinions perception reason inference views rule thoughts angle precept feeling hypothesis proposition postulation intellection approach impression slant assessment premise assumption conjecture disposition standards presumption maxims stand frameofmind estimation acceptedwisdom fundamental setofbeliefs articlesoffaith motivation basis inclination convention concepts guideline maxim sentiments feelings foundation abstraction leaning learning instruction study cogitation axioms law ethos presupposition inspiration conventions consideration regulation guidelines discernment suggestion postulate rationalizationUS rationalisationUK connection cognition explanation deduction bias syllogism ratiocination morals mind vantagepoint headset standing politics conceptualizationUS indoctrination goodsense hunch inculcation suspicion picture essence conclusion policy ism presentiment article kaupapa evaluation laws erudition credenda speculation surmise conceptualisationUK reaction coherence sanity virtues articleoffaith guess codeofbelief mood relationship grounds form verity linkage induction dialectic syllogistics contention justification proposal mores setofprinciples orientation formula case theorem precepts codeofbehaviorUS motive cause mind-set prejudice predilection proclivity validation excuse vindication ethicalcodes moralprinciples raisond'être moralphilosophy trainofthought whyandwherefore bent ethicalvalues whereoneisat wayoflookingatthings codeofbehaviourUK twocents'worth rulesofconduct moralbeliefs courseofthought POV value-system moralvalues morallaw logicalbasis moralcode codeofethics soundjudgment antithesisandsynthesis codeofconduct standardsofbehavior moralstandards lesson practice movement beliefsystem worldview moral leanings ideal morality hope meaning purpose sympathies dictum aphorism message motto mentalpicture mind'seye theme orthodoxy alliance foolnotion customs traditions enlightenment corebeliefs legends criterion standard credence superstitions tenor intuition drift trend religion conceptualizations tendency attitudes raisond'etre wayoflookingatit supposal tune presumptions hypotheses angles fundamentals sagacity cult cyberetiquette theses premises school stab guesswork provision bases relevance commonsense link catechism conclusions stamp way method messages pictures setofideas systemofideas principledexplanations air temperament character demeanorUS scheme attribution plan essential truism themes mind'seyes lemma antecedent layout ground assignment derivation sensibleness horsesense syllogisticreasoning goodreason soundjudgement lucidity soundness take religiousbelief religiouspersuasion shotinthedark tentativelaw educatedguess startingpoint religiousbeliefs religiousconviction cyberlaw reading viewpoints assumptions demeanourUK systemofbelief vision prescript determinant essentials prescripts postulates formulae truisms conceptualisations wayoflooking eyeview mentalstate mentaloutlook mentalattitude musing meditation lineofthought rumination ideation deliberation reflection cerebration introspection contemplation goldenrule theorems determinants foundations pointsofview norms appreciation statement cyberethics lineofthinking apprehension basic declaration propaganda implantation education excogitation image preconception vagary caprice observation universallaw unwrittenrule setofguidelines learnedness letters attainments literacy accomplishments book-learning grasp academicstudy skill intelligence ability expertise booklearning intellectualattainment research awareness comprehension insight academicachievement schooling whysandwherefores whyfor songanddance whatfor thewholeidea story accounting reasons sourgrapes thebigidea account more❯ Noun ▲ Pluralforthematerialormonetaryworthofsomething prices costs rates valuations worths fees figures totals marketprices sellingprices askingprices facevalues equivalents amounts appraisals assessments charges expenses “Thishandbaghasavalueofoverseveralhundreddollars.” Noun ▲ Pluralforthebenefit,importanceor(useful)effectofsomething benefits merits worths usefulnesses utilities practicalities advantages uses desirabilities effectivenesses efficacies profits goods assistances effects impacts influences helpfulnesses gains importances magnitudes potencies services significances helps powers aids avails relevances strengths upsides mileages points senses serviceableness strongpoints bearings consequences goodnesses implications imports purposes qualities substances superiorities bangforthebuck “Thevalueofrelaxationtostressreliefisimmense.” Verb ▲ Toestimatethemonetaryworthof evaluates assesses estimates appraises valuates assays rates prices putsapriceon setsapriceon costs approximates calculates costsout grades pricesout setsat sizesup computes guesstimates sets surveys “Therealestateagentwouldvalueourpropertyatalotlessthanwhatwebelieveditwasworth.” Verb ▲ Toconsidertobecrucialorbeneficial appreciates rates esteems rateshighly holdsinhighesteem holdsinhighregard holdsdear hasahighopinionof thinkshighlyof thinksmuchof setsstoreby setsgreatstoreby attachesimportanceto extolsthevirtuesof embraces respects admires prizes cherishes reveres treasures loves regardshighly valueshighly venerates adores encourages likes relishes hasapenchantfor hasapredilectionfor hasaproclivityfor “Ivaluehardwork,andIbelievethereisnosubstituteforit.” Findmorewords! 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